Dragon’s Dogma 2 (DD2) - Freezes and Shows Black Screen on Launch
Some players experience various technical issues in DD2. For example, the game freezes and shows black screen. Let’s talk about it.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has some technical issues, especially when we are talking about places with dense population (like a capital). It can test your device. However, optimization is not the only problem for many players. The game can freeze, especially on launch. Seeing black screen players wonder what to do. Let’s talk about it.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 (DD2) – Freezes and Shows Black Screen on Launch
Me and some of my colleagues are the best examples that Dragon’s Dogma 2 can freeze when you try to launch it. There is bad and good information connected with that. The first one is that you can’t do anything about it. At least at this point we have to wait for developers to fix it. However, there is hope, it is a good thing, as you should be able to play after restarting your device. During the next launch, DD2 should work as intended. So, be patient.
If you manage to overcome technical issues, you should read our Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guide. It covers the most important information. Thanks to our guide you will be able to learn about many useful tips and discover game’s secrets. Of course, at the time of DD2 release, the guide is not ready yet, but we will update it shortly, be sure of that.
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