Dragon’s Dogma 2 (DD2) - Enter Your Age Message Explained
When you start DD2, a mysterious message appears – Enter your age. Does it influence anything? Let’s find out.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 was released today. Noone should be surprised that it can be a brutal game, it is evident if we look at ESRB rating (Mature). Taking that into consideration, many players may be suspicious, when a big message appears in front of their eyes – “Enter your age”. The strange thing is that you can pick even 0 here. So, why does the warning appear? What is its purpose? Let’s talk about it.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 (DD2) – Enter Your Age Message Explained
Dragon’s Dogma 2 can puzzle players at some points. The first occasion is when the “enter your age” message appears. What is its purpose? The shortest answer is that this notification may be a way of gathering statistical data about users. It is only a wild guess though, as we did not see any differences between playthroughs with 18+ and below age accounts. The game was still bloody, monsters were able to lose parts and so on. Of course, there is a chance that we might have missed something, but it seems that the choice does not influence the Dragon’s Dogma 2 at all.
The introductory message is not the only case, when you have to pick age in DD2. You have to choose it also creating your character. However, you should read more about it here, as we have prepared a complex guide.
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- Dragon's Dogma II - Epic Game that Won't Engage Everyone
- Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guide
- Dragon’s Dogma 2 (DD2) – Controller vs Keyboard and Mouse Explained