Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) - Crash on Exit Explained
Do you turn off Dragon's Dogma 2 and it crashes on exit every time? In our guide we explain this DD2 problem.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is an action RPG with a vast world. In addition to the exploration itself and performing various engaging quests, the trademark of the series is spectacular duels with bosses. DD2 was released on March 22nd, and although the title has been available on the market for several days, it still suffers from an annoying bug, which has been present since the premiere. We are talking about the crash on exit the game. In our guide we will explain this issue.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Crash on Exit Explained
Some PC gamers complain that when shutting down Dragon’s Dogma 2, whether through the main menu or using Alt + F4, the game freezes for a long time, and after a minute or so a crash report appears. And while, as players themselves state, this does not adversely affect saving gameplay or reopening DD2, it is a nuisance in the long run.
This problem often affects players who have AMD components in their PC. It seems that most people who experience the bug has this kind of hardware, and it is a common factor. Of course, we can’t be certain of anything, as the source of the issue is still unknown. At the moment, there is nothing to do but wait for a solution to this bug. We recommend observing if the latest update to the game or drivers has appeared, and if so, download and install it.
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- Dragons Dogma 2 Guide
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