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News video games 09 June 2024, 11:06

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Will Be Released This Fall. Check out Action-Packed Trailer From Xbox Games Showcase

BioWare and Electronic Arts were present at this year's Xbox Games Showcase, showing the world the game Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Source: Electronic Arts / BioWare

BioWare Studio and Electronic Arts considered this year's Xbox Games Showcase a good opportunity to remind players about one of their upcoming projects. We're talking about Dragon Age: The Veilguard, the fourth installment in the RPG game series. Despite nearly 10 years passing since the release of the third part, it continues to be highly esteemed. The developers and publisher have prepared a new trailer for this title.

The game is still not completely out of the shadows, despite BioWare's official acknowledgment six years ago that it was working on a new game under the Dragon Age label. However, players will finally be rewarded for their patience on June 11th when they get to see the first gameplay from this title.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is set to release on PC, PS5, and XSX/S in the fall of 2024.

Christian Pieniazek

Christian Pieniazek

Started working with in August 2016. Although the Game Encyclopedia has been his pride and joy from the beginning, he also writes for the Newsroom and the Editorial section. Gained professional experience through a now-defunct service, in which he worked for almost three years. Graduated in Cultural Studies at the AGH University of Krakow. Runs his own business, jogs, cycles, loves mountain hiking, is a fan of nu metal, is interested in space, and of course, enjoys playing games. Feels best in action games with an open world and RPGs, although won't turn down good racing or shooting games.
