Cuphead DLC Secret Boss - How to Unlock and Defeat Him

The Delicious Last Course DLC for Cuphead offers some surprises. One of them is a hidden duo of bosses. Here you will learn how to find and defeat them.

Przemyslaw Dygas


The The Delicious Last Course DLC for Cuphead involves a whole bunch of interesting new features. Among them you will also find a bit of hidden content. One such example is a duo of bosses, which you will come across after performing the appropriate actions.

In this text you will learn not only how to find them, but also the easiest way to defeat them.

Hidden boss in Cuphead - how to find him?

The hidden duo of bosses from The Delicious Last Course can be found on a new island, namely Inkwell Isle Four. However, it is not enough for you to visit the location. You also have to solve a puzzle related to the graveyard located on the island.

Below you will find a list of steps to follow:

  1. First of all gain access to the Doggone Dogfight area. To do this, you must defeat The Howling Aces.
  2. This will enable you to visit the area where there are nine tombstones with a ghost standing next to them. For now, however, you must leave the area and go to Porkrind's Emporium store.
  3. When at the store, buy a talisman called Broken Relic. You will need it to interact with the aforementioned tombstones (it also has other uses described in a separate guide).
  4. Once you have it, approach the three NPCs who occupy seats on the podium next to the store you visited earlier. Talk to them according to their order (first the winner, then the next contestants).
  5. The sentences they speak will contain clues that will help you solve the riddle of the tombstones. For example, in the image below we see that the winner utters the sentence "Leave it to an upright citizen like me...". Pay attention to words such as "upright." This means that the first tombstone to interact with is the one in the upper right corner of the cemetery.
Cuphead DLC Secret Boss - How to Unlock and Defeat Him - picture #1
Source: Maka91Productions
  1. After activating the three corresponding tombstones, the middle one will be highlighted. Walk up to it and interact with it.
  2. This will take you to a hidden level called One Hell Of A Dream. It is home to a duo of bosses - Angel and Demon.

How to defeat the Angel and the Demon?

Angel and Demon are a pair of bosses that occupy opposite sides of the screen during the battle. It is worth remembering that they change their form depending on which way we are turned.

The Demon always faces us, and the Angel is always behind our back. Only the Demon has attacks that can damage us.

By turning at the right moment, we can control the flow of the fight and neutralize dangerous attacks. This is especially important when it comes to avoiding the rays that from time to time pass through the entire battlefield.

Cuphead DLC Secret Boss - How to Unlock and Defeat Him - picture #2
Source: Maka91Productions

At the same time, it is worth turning to face the opponent who is far away from us. This will give us more time to dodge his attacks.

A considerable problem may turn out to be the fact that enemies receive damage only when we hit them in the head. Aiming while dodging their attacks can prove challenging, so it's a good idea to use weapons that automatically target the enemy.

Bullets will thus hit the head of the boss on their own, making the whole fight a lot easier. This weapon, of course, deals the least damage, but Angel and Demon are a duo with a relatively small HP pool.

Also worth noting is the cloud, which moves constantly from one side of the screen to the other. You can jump on it, which will increase your mobility on the battlefield. It also guarantees a good place from which you can launch your attacks.

By following all these tips, you should have no problem defeating the bosses.

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  1. What Does Broken Relic do in Cuphead?


September 29, 2017

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Przemyslaw Dygas

Author: Przemyslaw Dygas

He published a lot of news on, some reviews and a few articles. Currently runs the site and serves as a junior SEO specialist. He first published journalistic texts on his private blog; later he took up writing seriously when his news and reviews ended up on a now non-existent film portal. In his free time, he tries to keep up with the premieres of new strategies and RPGs, unless he is replaying Pillars of Eternity or Mass Effect for umpteenth time. He also likes cinematography and tries to visit the nearby cinema at least once a month to keep up with the movies he is interested in.

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