Counter Strike 2 Coming to Mobile? Gamers Inquire
Fans are speculating about Valve's next interesting moves regarding CS2. The latest rumors concern the mobile version of the FPS. The mentions have one rather solid argument.

The storm around CS2 doesn't die down. Beta-testing continues, and the Internet is buzzing with speculations about the game. Among them are rumors of a possible port of the new Counter Strike for mobile devices. The rumors aren't just pulled out of the blue. Their source is data from the files of the Source 2 engine, which is the technological technology behind for CS2.
Source of rumors
The possibility of Valve's online shooter appearing on phones was mentioned by user Aquaismissing on Twitter. He discovered that Source 2 can work with Android and iOS. In addition, there are words such as "mobile" in the code, which may further support this theory.
Reports were commented on by Valve's well-versed Gabe Follower. In his tweet, he stated that there is a lot of truth in the rumors, but it doesn't actually have to mean the appearance of CS2 on mobile platforms. According to him, the elements in the code that are the basis of this information may be leftovers either from games that were eventually canceled, or developed on this engine, but with a mobile environment in mind (for example. Dota Underlords).
Neither sight nor sound
On rumors of the possibility of CS2's appearance on mobile is also being overshadowed by silence from Valve.. History has shown, however, that the company has nothing against CS ports (CSGO on consoles is a prime example), and brands such as PUBG, Call of Duty or Fortnite have done very well in the mobile market, so we should not completely rule out such a scenario.