Cosmoteer - multiple ships; how to build a second ship?
Cosmoteer is a game about ship building and space travel. However, many players wonder how to get a second ship during their adventures. We will tell you about it in this guide.

Cosmoteer won the hearts of fans with a simple gameplay idea that leaves a lot of freedom to the player. Building ships appealed to many gamers. However, problems begin if one wants to command a fleet. Acquiring new ships is unfortunately not so straightforward. In this guide we will show how to do it.
Remember that Cosmoteer is an early access game, so the information provided here may become outdated over time.
Occupation of abandoned ships
One way to acquire a new ship is to occupy an abandoned one. You can encounter various remnants during your travels. Another way is to immobilize an enemy vessel (destroy the cockpit or weapons and thrusters). Then you will also be able to occupy such a ship. However, in both cases, in order to do so, you must remember that the other ship must have a working hatch.

To send a crew to a different ship you must select your vessel. Then press the button with three horizontal dashes. This will expand the menu. From it, select transfer crew.
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Building your own ship

With the recent update (November 4, 2022), it is possible to effortlessly build new additional ships in Career mode. Just use the Build New Ship button in the upper left corner of the screen. Then choose "construction field" and you can create your own fleet.
Old information:
You can also build an additional ship connected to your original vessel. From the first ship, build a thin structure, at the end of which prepare the second starship. Remember that it must be fully functional - it has to have a cockpit, reactor, crew and hatch. Then detonate the explosive charge at the joint. You will have 2 functional vessels.
It is worth noting that some ships are already designed to split this way. If you want to find out how to download new vessel plans, please refer to this text: Cosmoteer - ship design guide. Build a new ship.