Can't find Sunken Freighter in Titan expedition NMS? Fathoms Below is easy if you know about one detail
Many players can’t find Sunken Freighter during the Titan expedition. No wonder, there is a mechanic which makes it impossible.

Worlds part 2 is the beginning of a new phase of space exploration in No Man’s Sky. With the introduction of new planets and resources, we can now take part in the expedition, which shows us those wonders. Titan, as it is the name of this adventure, takes us to visit many fresh worlds. And what is our reward for that? The new unique ship, The Wraith. However, many players get stuck at Fathoms Below, as finding a Sunken Freighter is tricky. We will tell you why.
How to find Sunken Freighter in Titan expedition NMS Fathoms Below
In Phase 3 of the Titan expedition, you are tasked with finding a Sunken Freighter. There is a problem with that, though. At the point you start doing the Fathoms Below milestone, you are probably in the Uncharted system. The problem is that Sunken Freighters do not spawn there, as these worlds do not support intelligent life. So, what to do?
Just fly somewhere else. It does not have to be an oceanic planet. If it has a bigger water body, there is a chance to complete the task, as long as it is not in another Uncharted system.
Moreover, keep in mind that for completing the Under Pressure milestone, you are rewarded with Pre-Packaged High-Power Sonar Unit. It is very useful. Install it and search for Sunken Freighter. Now, you and your Nautilon will be able to easily find the target (if the sonar does not show a signal, change the planet). Now, you are ready to finish this expedition. Good luck.