Blizzard releases a new update for Diablo II and promises even more support
Four years after the release of the last Diablo II update, the game gets a new patch courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment, fixing some modern OS-related issues.

It has been four years since Diablo II got its last update in 2011. Now Blizzard Entertainment release another patch for the cult hack-and-slash game. The main focus of Patch 1.14a is to fix the system glitches appearing in modern operating systems, but it also introduces a campletely new installer for OSX. Additionally, the developers said they’ve started working on improved cheat-detection and hack-prevention systems and promised to make furher advancements in this area. What is especially interesting about this, however, is the comment Blizzard made on their forum:
“There is still a large Diablo II community around the world, and we thank you for continuing to play and slay with us. This journey starts by making Diablo II run on modern platforms, but it does not end there. See you in Sanctuary, adventurers.
Does this simply mean that Blizzard will continue to support Diablo II and the franchise in general, or are they actually preparing new content for the classic game? Could this be related to the unannounced Diablo project we wrote about the other day? We honestly don’t know, but Blizzard sure did a good job wetting our appetite for more adventures in the world of Sanctuary.
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