Blizzard Immortalizes Reckful in World of Warcraft
Blizzard Entertainment honoured the memory of WoW streamer Byron „Reckful” Bernstein, who passed away in July, by placing a special character in the Shadowlands expansion.
- Blizzard Entertainment honored the memory of the late World of Warcraft streamer Byron "Reckful" Bernstein by placing a special character in the game;
- The female NPC is a rogue trainer (Bernstein's favorite class), which refers to him as one of her dialogue lines;
- When talking to Reckful, players can say a special line. The character also reacts to some of the commands we enter.
Blizzard Entertainment decided to commemorate the famous World of Warcraft streamer Byron "Reckful" Bernstein, who committed suicide in early July this year. In the beta-tested Shadowlands add-on we can find an NPC named Reckful. The information appeared in Wowhead's tweet.
This character is a skill trainer for Rogue class, which the deceased particularly liked. Additionally, the NPC says "I don't train Assassination Rogues". This is a reference to the feat of Byron Bernstein, who at the time managed to prove that it is possible to reach the very top of the PvP ranking without using a specialization that was considered too powerful at the time.
Players who talk to Reckful have the opportunity to say an additional line of dialogue, apart from the standard training request: "It was good seeing you again". Typing the command /hug or /love makes the character repay us in a similar way. In the second case, angel wings also appear on the heroine's back for a moment.
- Blizzard Doesn't Stop – World of Warcraft Shadowlands Hands-on Preview
- World of Warcraft - official website