Blizzard Asks Players if They Want The Burning Crusade Classic
Developers from Blizzard Entertainment asked the players whether the company sould release The Burning Crusade for WoW Classic. The developers are considering doing it in a way that will satisfy players with different expectations.

- Blizzard asks players if they want WoW: Classic to get its version of The Burning Crusade;
- The community is not unanimous on the issue - some players would like the game to stay the way it is now;
- Several scenarios are being considered that would satisfy different user groups.
Blizzard Entertainment decided to ask players if they want the World of Warcraft Classic to get its own version of The Burning Crusade. The survey was sent to some members of the community and raises questions about various topics - the issue of the expansion is just one of them. Photos of the survey have been published on the web (e.g. on Reddit and Twitter).

The Burning Crusade was released in 2007 and was the first expansion to the then record-breaking MMO from Blizzard Entertainment. The expansion focused on a new invasion of the demonic Burning Legion into the world of Azeroth, with a key role in its storyline played by the hero of the popular RTS Warcraft III and its expansion, The Frozen Throne, Illidan Stormrage.
It is worth noting that there is no unanimity in the World of Warcraft Classic community about the further development of classic's servers. Some players are of the opinion that the developers should leave them unchanged, while others would like to relive the old adventures. As you can see, developers are looking for a golden mean - a solution that would satisfy all parties.
We remind that World of Warcraft Classic servers were launched last August. Apart from the classic version, there is still the "normal", modern WoW available, which this year will see another expansion, entitled Shadowlands.