Blizzard Announces Storm Rising in Overwatch
Blizzard published a teaser of Overwatch: Storm Rising on Twitter. Storm rising is the next PvE event in the Overwatch Archives series. The event will launch on April 16 and last until May 5.
Yesterday, we wrote about the Cuban newspaper-style news that appeared on the official website of the shooter Overwatch and tried to decipher its meaning. Some of these theories were confirmed by a short teaser published by Blizzard on Twitter. It announced Storm Rising - a new PvE event from the Overwatch Archives series, which will focus on another fragment of the eponymous organization's history. However, it will not start this Thursday, as we initially thought, but on Tuesday, April 16. The event will end on Sunday, May 5.
The introduction to Storm Rising is done by a mysterious woman named Sojourn. We don't know who she is - perhaps it's the pseudonym of Alice Diaz, who lost her family rum distillery Don Rumbotico to a mysterious megacorporation (most likely Talon). In any case, the woman, who may soon appear as another playable character in Overwatch, offers Jack Morisson (Soldier 76) a mission to extract Maximilien, Doomfist's Omnic accountant known from the Masquerade comic, from Cuba. This is to help get rid of this dangerous mercenary. Tracer, Mercy, Winston and Genji are deployed and it is their roles that we will probably play during the Storm Rising event.

We can be almost sure that the upcoming Overwatch event, in addition to providing a new mission to flesh out the universe of the game, will also satisfy lovers of collectible cosmetic items. Last year's Overwatch Archives event added about 60 occasional skins, victory poses, play of the game presentaions and other such elements. How much will we get this time? We will find out next week.
Overwatch made its debut on May 24, 2016 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and quickly won the favor of both industry media and the community. The title is still being developed today. Recently there were two novelties - a character named Baptiste and a new Assault map that takes us to futuristic Paris.