Black Mesa: Blue Shift - Fan Remake of Half-Life DLC Gains New Missions
A new version of the Black Mesa: Blue Shift mod, a remake of the second Half-Life DLC, has been released. The update introduces the fourth chapter of the campaign.

Black Mesa turned out to be an excellent remake of the first Half-Life. The problem is that the developers only created a refreshed version of the basic version of this classic, while the original also received two expansions. A group of fans decided to create their own remake of the Blue Shift expansion. The fruit of their work is the modification called Black Mesa: Blue Shift, which has just received a new version.
As the title suggests, the project is a mod to Black Mesa, which in a refreshed form recreates the campaign from the second expansion for Half-Life. The devs did their best to make the whole thing resemble the official expansion for the remake. So not only the graphics have been improved, but also many gameplay and artificial intelligence fixes have been implemented.
- Black Mesa: Blue Shift - download the mod from our FTP. (the authors have given us permission to host a mirror)
Currently, the mod offers the first four chapters from the Blue Shift campaign. The latest of these, the fourth, was added by an update released a few days ago. Given the scale of the project, the mod is developing at a rapid pace and new chapters are appearing every few months.
Recall that the original Blue Shift was the second expansion for Half-Life. The plot shows an incident at the Black Mesa facility from the perspective of a guard named Barney Calhoun, who, after the disastrous experiment, must work together with Dr. Rosenberg to help evacuate the facility.
The expansion was developed by Gearbox Software. It was initially titled Guard Duty and was meant to be bonus content for Half-Life's Dreamcast port. The port, however, was cancelled just weeks before its release. Fortunately, the devs didn't abandon the expansion itself and it was released in 2001 on PC.