BattleTech raised 2 mln dollars on Kickstarter, customizable home base unlocked
BattleTech has raised well over its initial funding goal gathering over 2 million dollars to date. This most recent achievement unlocked another Kickstarter stretch goal – customizable home base.
Seems that another spectacular Kickstarter success is brewing up. Harebrained Shemes’ BattleTech has now raised over 2 million dollars through crowdfunding and is not about to stop, as there are still 11 days to go. Passing the 2 mln bar unlocked yet another stretch goal – dropships, which will serve as our customizable home base. We will be able to adjust its appearance, but also extend and upgrade the dropship to give it new functions.
Till now, the community funding made it possible to enrich this tactical RPG with such features like player-character origin stories, voice acting, extended mercenary campaign, and more. Can Battletech actually reach all its stretch goals, including 2,5 mln dollar PVP multiplayer? If the campaign keeps its current pace, it is very likely.
It’s probably to early to talk about BattleTech’s release date, but the developers are aiming at May 2017. This next incarnation of the wargaming sci-fi universe will be available only on PC. Below you can find the latest video update from Harebrained Schemes: