Battlefield 5's Free Weekend on Steam Drew Crowds of Players
Even before Battlefield 2042 debuted, BFV suddenly became one of the most popular games on Steam. The recipe for success? A free weekend and a tempting special offer.

It's no secret that discounts are a great incentive to buy almost any game, let alone an opportunity to check out a well-known title for free. Thanks to this Battlefield V has become one of the most popular games on Steam. At the time of writing this text BFV is being played simultaneously by almost 39 thousand people, and today's record is almost 70 thousand players.
As a reminder: last weekend the fifth Battlefield could be temporarily added to our Steam collection for free. Yes, it was only the basic version without add-ons, but it was enough for the game to break its own activity record. At the hottest moment of the day BFV was launched by more than 76 thousand users simultaneously (via SteamDB). This was enough for the title to enter the top ten most popular items on Steam.
However, interest by no means decreased after the end of the free weekend, since even today the game was played by 69 thousand people at the same time. This is probably due to the promotion still in force, under which Battlefield V can be purchased for around $6. Even if we consider the default price of $64.99 as exaggerated, it's hard to find a better offer.
Of course, it's not a huge surprise, especially since barely over a month ago similar (although slightly less impressive) results were achieved during Battlefield 1's free weekend (via SteamDB). It should also be remembered that Battlefield V is available not only on Steam. Electronic Arts continues to use its own platform, and throughout August the game was offered for free on Origin to holders of active Prime Gaming subscription. In other words, even before the free weekend started, players had plenty of time to get their hands on BFV free of charge.