Battlefield 2042 Will Get Redux Event Before Season 6
The developers of Battlefield 2042 talked about the upcoming Redux event and shed some light on Season 6.
DICE has shared information with fans about the upcoming Season 6 of Battlefield 2042 and a special event called Redux.
Season 6
For now, the information shared is very limited.
- We know that the sixth season will launch as early as October.
- A video was also released, showing, among other things, the progress of work on Season 6, in which we can get a glimpse of a brand new map.
Redux - the return of favorite moments
Before we enter Season 6, however, a special Redux event awaits us.
- The event will kick off on August 29.
- Redux will offer new ways to play favorite modes on acclaimed maps.
- We can also look forward to improved game options in more arenas and with new limits on the number of players.
- In addition, the return of time-limited events and old modes awaits us.
- Improvements will also be made to quality of gameplay.
- A special development path with rewards such as character skins, vehicles and weapons will be prepared.
- Among the rewards will be both new and returning ones.
The developers also have a small update planned, which includes balance fixes for engineers and a new codex feature that will let you learn more about the history of Battlefield 2042.
All this information is just a digest of the highlights that the devs are preparing for the Redux event. For those interested, we recommend going to the game's official website, where they have posted an extensive article about the event.
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