Batman: The Telltale Games Series details from E3
A myriad of interesting information on Batman: The Telltale Series was revealed during a presentation at E3 2016 in Los Angeles.
Plenty of interesting information on Batman: The Telltale Games Series—the latest game in development at Telltale Games, focused on the Dark Knight of Gotham City and the man behind the bat mask—was revealed during the presentation at E3 2016 in Los Angeles. Although no video footage was shown, IGN wrote an article where they summarized what they have learned. However, be aware that it contains spoilers for the first 30 minutes of the game. If that’s fine by you, read either the full article or the quick summary below.
Batman: The Telltale Games Series takes us to the early years of Batman, when criminals of Gotham are already afraid of him and the Gotham City Police Department still perceive him as a threat and are after him. Some officers even fire at him without warning. However, it was hinted that Commissioner Gordon is on the vigilante’s side at that point.
Contrary to probably every single Batman game released thus far, we will be spending a lot of time as Bruce Wayne, trying to uphold the reputation of the Wayne family and dealing with the consequences of being the Gotham’s Dark Knight, both physical and mental.
Similarly to other titles from Telltale Games, action sequences will be based on quick time events. Moreover, in combat, we will be filling a special meter that, once filled, allows us to rapidly finish a fight.
In the game, Batman, who is voiced by Troy Baker, uses a voice modulator. His eyes glow white like in the animated movies.
Batman: The Telltale Games Series is going to be divided into 5 chapters, the first of which is due to launch this summer. Each one will offer 90-120 minutes of gameplay. The game is heading to PC as well as unspecified consoles and mobile platforms. It’s probably safe to say that these will be PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Android- and iOS-powered devices.