Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Release Date Leaked; Fall Gets Busy
Tom Henderson revealed the exact release date of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. The game by Ubisoft Massive may be released in the fall of 2022.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora has been in development for more than five years. The title has suffered two delays, but the company responsible for it, Ubisoft, so far, has not announced a third, which would postpone the game's release to 2023. It is possible that such an announcement will not be necessary.
Popular industry journalist Tom Henderson wrote an extensive article today for the website exputer.com. Admittedly, it mainly concerns the minor confusion with the announcement of the release date of God of War: Ragnarok (we wrote about it here - as a sidenote: Henderson predicts November 11), but towards the end of the text he mentions the release date of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora:
"The next Need for Speed installment is due to launch on November 4th and sources have suggested that the current plan for Ubisoft’s Avatar title is due to launch on November 18th; unless there’s a delay."
While we have known about NfS since yesterday, the information regarding the release date of Avatar for PC, PS5 and XSX/S is something new and surprising - though undoubtedly welcome. If true, the fall of 2022 could be a more interesting timeframe than it looked like after the delay suffered by such big releases as Starfield and Redfall. It remains to wait for an official announcement from Ubisoft - perhaps until the August gamescom, where the company intends to make an appearance.