Assassin's Creed Unity is Experiencing a Second Youth.
Making the PC version of Assassin's Creed: Unity available for free turned out to be a great move. User reviews on Steam have turned positive and the game has regained popularity to such an extent that it was necessary to increase server performance.

- Developer: Ubisoft
- Publisher: Ubisoft
- Genre: Action adventure game
- Platforms: PC, XONE, PS4
- Release Date: November 11, 2014
A few days ago, In response to the fire of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, Ubisoft released the PC version of Assassin's Creed: Unity for free This nice gesture was warmly received by the players and we can even say that the game is currently experiencing a small renaissance.
The first effects can be seen on Steam, where 86% of the user reviews posted in the last 30 days praise the title, changing the reception of the game to "very positive" instead of "mixed". This is all the more impressive because the offer to reclaim Assassin's Creed: Unity is only available in Uplay and not on Steam. This is helped by the fact that Ubisoft donated 500,000 Euros for the reconstruction of the cathedral and in many reviews users express their gratitude for this gesture.
The promotion also caused a big boost to the game's popularity. So many people started playing Assassin's Creed: Unity that the developers had to improve their server performance in order to be able to handle the increased interest.
Ubisoft is also helped by the fact that the company also showed great class in organizing this promotion. The publisher refunds money to all players who have bought the digital version of Assassin's Creed: Unity from April 15 until the game was released for free.
Let's remind that Assassin's Creed: Unity was originally released on November 11, 2014. It was the first part of the cycle designed for current-gen consoles. The technological leap was impressive, but the game received mixed reception due to the poor level of technical refinement. Today it presents itself significantly better than on the day of its launch. Patches have fixed some of the problems, and today's PCs are more capable to handle the game in maximum detail.
Finally, if you haven't used the offer yet, Assassin's Creed: Unity is available for free until April 25. If you add the game to your Uplay account, it will remain there forever, even after the promotion ends.