Gamers Want a Dignified Farewell to Assassin's Creed Multiplayer
With servers for some Assassin's Creed games shutting down, fans are planning several farewell sessions to send their beloved multiplayer mode off to the eternal hunting grounds.

We have seen more than once that the love of gamers for their beloved games can be an amazing thing. A few days ago, news of the virtual funeral of Red Dead Online, organized for the work of Rockstar Games by embittered fans (you can read more about it here). As it turns out, this is not the end of sad farewells.
Farewells continue
One avid gamer used Reddit to call on others to gather in several farewell sessions to commemorate the multiplayer modes of Assassin's Creed 3, Brotherhood and Revelations. Although the post appeared only a dozen hours ago, many die-hard fans have already expressed their desire to participate in the events. A detailed schedule of the planned tour of AC network modes has also appeared.
Everything indicates that the games will be played in the order of their creation. Therefore, sessions in Brotherhood will start already on July 23. Sessions for Revelations are scheduled for early and mid-August. Meanwhile, the farewell to AC3 multiplayer will take place at the end of next month.
Fans are spreading the word online to reach as many people as possible. The preferred platform is PC, but it is not excluded that console players will also gather to commemorate the beautiful moments spent with Ubisoft games.
Ubisoft's decisions
Finally, it is worth recalling that such decisions among the gaming community are the aftermath of the announcement from the developer. The French studio informed fans that due to the redirection of company resources to newer productions, the servers of older titles will be systematically shutdown.. As a result they will lose access to online features and DLCs. The move has sparked great outrage among gamers.