ARK 2 is Vin Diesel, Dinosaurs and Beastmen
The new installment of ARK and an animated series - the dinosaur universe created by Studio Wildcard is expanding considerably, and trailers of both works were published during The Game Awards 2020.

Wild tribes fighting against even more primitive, orc-like natives and dinosaurs, living in a jungle with highly developed technology, where cybernetic data panels appear next to rock paintings - and in the middle of the whole action we find... Vin Diesel. What is this strange, slightly absurd combination? Attention, attention: this is ARK 2. Admittedly, rumors about the game have been making rounds on the Internet for some time, but no one probably expected it to look like that and feature one of the leading stars of Hollywood action cinema. We don't know anything about the game's possible release date yet, but the game's cinematic trailer alone has surely attracted our attention enough to have us keep track of the game.
The ARK's universe will also be expanded with a 2D animated series under the same title. The pleasing drawing style is presented in more detail in the trailer below. The voice of the characters will be provided by truly acclaimed actors, who put all together would overshadow even Vin Diesel - we talking about Gerard Butler (300), Elliot Page (The Umbrella Academy), Jeffrey Wright (Westworld) and David Tennanta (Jessica Jones). The series will launch in 2022.