Apex Legends - Battle Pass Price Leaked
Thanks to a leak from Origin, we learned about the price of the upcoming Battle Pass in the popular battle royal Apex Legend. Unofficial information also confirmed that a new hero, Octane, will debut together with the pass.
A week ago, we reported of rumors that Respawn Entertainment is planning to introduce Battle Pass in the middle of this month into its latest work, the extremely popular battle royale Apex Legends. The realease of the season pass was to be accompanied by the debut of a new playable character (the first of many planned), named Octane. Thanks to Reddit user Spliddo we have not only gained another confirmation of these reports, but we also got to know the potential price of the pass.
This reddit use captured the Apex Legends homepage on Origin on a screenshot, just after it was momentarily refreshed with information about the pass and the upcoming update entitled Wild Frontier. In addition to the announcement of Octane's debut and unique items, the note mentions that Battle Pass will be purchased in the in-game store for 950 Apex coins. This amount translates into about $10. For the time being, we don't know exactly when the Battle Pass will be available to the players. Earlier rumors spoke about Tuesday, March 12, but as we know, that didn't work out. The developers confirmed, however, that the details of the pass and the date of its debut will be known soon.
Let's remind that if we believe the leaks, Octane will be the only new hero to debute with the pass. He is to have a passive health regenerating ability when not injured, and an adrenaline syringe that allows him to increase his movement speed by thirty percent for six seconds. This gadget is also supposed to make it resistant to slow effects, but each use will cost him one tenth of his maximum health points. Octane ultimate ability is to be a deployable platform that allows him to jump extremely high.