Antarctica Scientists Hold Classic Age of Empires 2 LAN Party

Nowadays it is still possible to recreate legendary LAN events. You just need the right conditions to do it, preferably in the Arctic Circle, as scientists in Antarctica have proven.

Zbigniew Woznicki

Source: Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition; Forgotten Empires; Xbox Game Studios

In times when the Internet wasn't so common and accessible, online gaming required several computers being connected to the same local network. It was then that so-called LAN parties were very popular, when groups of friends would bring their computers to one of the houses and play numerous strategies or shooters together. Scientists are still doing this at the polar circle.

Age of Empires 2 LAN party in Antarctica

LAN gameplay can still live beyond the big tournaments, as proven by scientist Kevin Zagorski, who works at the telescope at the South Pole. The man is not alone there and he recently shared a photo where, together with the rest of the team, they organized a local game of Age of Empires 2 in the old-school style, i.e. using a local network.

In the photograph, we can see as many as ten people sitting together at one table. Kevin Zagorski mentioned that stable internet connection isn't easy at the South Pole, sometimes it feels like being back in the late 90s. The equipment is, of course, more modern, but commentators noticed that the scientists were playing the original Age of Empires 2, which is revealed by the 4:3 image format. The players were delighted with the game choice itself:

Whoever had AoE2 on their hard drive is the real MVP.

- Dieter McPherso

Age of Empires 2!!! These are people of culture and distinction.

- Aaron Smo

Sometimes I still meet up with friends for LAN games to play Mario Kart and Civilization. It's a different experience when you're in the same room, and the connection is also better.

- Sgt_Cyber.e

Wow. Now I feel really nostalgic. Let's bring back LAN parties.

- Joseph Ker

The photo proves that some solutions remain immortal in the minds of players. This is also proof that theoretically older technologies can still be used for gaming, not only large e-sports tournaments. Probably with fewer computers we would see several groups playing Heroes of Might & Magic III.

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Zbigniew Woznicki

Author: Zbigniew Woznicki

He began his adventure with journalism and writing on the Allegro website, where he published news related to games, technology, and social media. He soon appeared on Gamepressure and Filmomaniak, writing about news related to the film industry. Despite being a huge fan of various TV series, his heart belongs to games of all kinds. He isn't afraid of any genre, and the adventure with Tibia taught him that sky and music in games are completely unnecessary. Years ago, he shared his experiences, moderating the forum of Loves to complain, but of course constructively and in moderation.

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