Alternate Path in Piccolo Returns to His Birthplace in Sparking Zero

Discover how to defeat Frieza and unlock the alternate path in Piccolo Returns to His Birthplace. This guide will show you the steps to take for a quick victory.

Olga Racinowska

Source: Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero; Developer: Spike Chunsoft

Even though Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero has been a huge hit, fans are feeling frustrated with how tricky it can be to unlock certain Sparking Episodes and alternate endings in the Character Sagas. The objectives can be pretty unclear, often involving hidden time limits or specific HP requirements, which has left players annoyed. A good example is the alternate path you can unlock in the Piccolo Returns to His Birthplace episode. Fortunately, we’ve figured it out!

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero – How to Unlock Alternate Path in Piccolo Returns to His Birthplace

Be sure to check out our DB: Sparking Zero Guide, where we break down some of the game's biggest mysteries.

Piccolo’s Saga alternate path features a similar objective to the one found in Goku’s Saga during A New Power Awakens. It says:

  1. Defeat within a given time.

Thanks, Devs, that’s super helpful! So, without further ado, the time limit for this alternate objective is 2 minutes. But how are you supposed to beat Frieza in under 2 minutes? Here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Enter Sparking mode right before Frieza transforms. If you land a hit with the Explosive Breath Cannon, he’ll get confused, and you can keep hitting him.
  2. When up close, use Explosive Demon Wave for some solid damage.
  3. If you’re using Guard, save at least one Ki bar for it, or you’ll risk a guard break and getting stunned. Mastering Super Sway and Dodging is essential too.

You can always try collecting all of Shenron, Super Shenron, or Porunga’s Dragon Balls to wish for the Dragon Orb. This item will lower the difficulty of the alternate objective, so it’s definitely worth a shot if you're having a tough time with this fight. Too bad you can’t use Broly’s Ring for this one – it would’ve been a lifesaver!

Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO

October 11, 2024

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Olga Racinowska

Author: Olga Racinowska

Been with since 2019, mostly writing game guides but you can also find me geeking out about LEGO (huge collection, btw). Love RPGs and classic RTSs, also adore quirky indie games. Even with a ton of games, sometimes I just gotta fire up Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, KOTOR, or Baldur's Gate 2 (Shadows of Amn, the OG, not that Throne of Bhaal stuff). When I'm not gaming, I'm probably painting miniatures or admiring my collection of retro consoles.

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