All We Know About Burnice White in ZZZ (Zenless Zone Zero)
The new characters are coming to ZZZ, among them there is Burnice. Let’s talk about her.

Zenless Zone Zero is known for its charismatic characters. So, no wonder that people wait for any sign of new heroes and heroines. A few hours ago, developers have officially revealed upcoming ZZZ agents – Caesar and Burnice. Let’s talk about the later one and what we know about her.
All We Know About Burnice in ZZZ (Zenless Zone Zero)
Burnice is part of Sons of Calydon faction along Caesar (leader), Piper and Lucy. Their motto is “I come, I see, I crash”, which is probably inspirated by veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered), famous words often attributed to even more famous ancient Roman leader and emperor Julius Caesar (yes, like the leader of the Sons of Calydon team). The name of the group itself is also taken from Calydonian boar, a creature sent by goddess Artemis (Greek mythology) to punish Calydon (city), the boar is the symbol of the group, too. Taking this into consideration, we may assume that the team likes destruction and may not agree with governmental officials.
There is not much known about Burnice herself. As her name suggests, her affinity is Fire. Well, she walks with something which seems to be a flamethrower on her back. So, we may expect that she will inflict Burn effect upon enemies. She is a sociable person and prepares good drinks according to her companions.
She can be seen in the recent Agent Records showcase and release trailer (with other companions). Most likely, she will be available in 1.2 ZZZ version.