All Heroes, Characters and Classes in Endless Dungeon
If you want to learn more about all characters in Endless Dungeon, you are in a good place. We will present you all heroes.
Endless Dungeon is a recent addition to the expansive Endless universe brought to life by Amplitude Studios, renowned for their strategic and roguelike games. This title firmly falls into the latter category, mixing various gaming genres with a substantial influence of Tower Defense mechanics. During the game, you will unlock 8 characters. If you want to learn more about them, read our guide.
All Heroes, Characters and Classes in Endless Dungeon
If you want to learn how to unlock 3rd hero slot for your party, read our guide.
Endless Dungeon offers 8 interesting characters. You will learn more about them during gameplay. Each of them has its own background. You can unlock them by playing the game and unlocking new areas. There are no clear classes in the title, but each hero has a unique personality and special powers. Each character has 3 perks: Active, Passive and Ultimate. Let’s look at them:
- Sweeper (class: Technician/Crowd control)– it is the first hero we meet in the game and we start our adventures with him. Active: slows monsters in front of him. Ultimate: it also slows enemies, but on the bigger scale. What is more, it also knocks them back. Passive: increases fire rate of turrets in the room.
- Zed (class: Damage) – it is a second character in our rooster. We complete a tutorial with her. If you want to see her in action, watch this video. She is a high-damage character. Active: damage monsters in front of her. Ultimate: emits aura which weakens enemies and boosts heroes. Passive: temporary increases damage each time Zed kills an enemy.
- Bunker (class: Tank) – the third character we meet and can hire. She is a very good tank. If you want to see this hero in action watch this video. Active: stuns enemies. Ultimate: become invulnerable and taunts opponents. Passive: damage output temporary increases proportionally to sustained damage.
- Cartie (class: Support) – this hero is an archivist who looks for various lore fragments. He is all-rounded character (except for defense). Active – freezes monsters. Ultimate: uses an explosive melee attack. Passive: boosts active skills of other heroes and gives an attack to the Crystal Bot (while in the same room).
- Blaze (class: AOE Damage) – this cowboy is the character with the highest crit chance. It likes big guns and firepower. If you want to watch his story, you can do it here. Active: uses mines. Ultimate: shoots missiles. Passive: more powerful critical explosions.
- Shroom (class: Shroom) – the only medic in the squad, it alone makes this hero a valuable addition to the company. If you want to watch her story, open this video. Active: heals a hero. Ultimate: creates an aura of healing and protection. Passive: Soul charge for every 10 enemies this hero kills.
- Comrade (class: DPS/Support)– a mysterious ex-mercenary. They are slow and squishy but their other stats are very good. If you want to watch their reveal, watch this. Active: deploys a turret. Ultimate: becomes a turret. Passive: can repair resource generators with a Shove.
- Fassie (class: Support) – a classy dragon bartender with good Wit and defense. Watch him in action here. Active: boosts attack of a hero. Ultimate: monsters attack each other. Passive: gains Wit for every monster in a room.
If you want to learn more about the game, read also:
- Endless Dungeon Guide - Tips for Beginners
- Crossplay and Cross Platform in Endless Dungeon Explained
- How to Defeat Bug Momma in Endless Dungeon - Video and Description
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