Age of Empires 4 Received Feature That Will Unite All Players. Quickmatches Got Major Change
A new update to Age of Empires 4 brings plenty of fan-awaited changes and news, including a crossplay feature. The developers gave details on the game's seventh season.

The upcoming seventh season of Age of Empires 4 will offer players new challenges and rewards. Today, the strategy received an update preceding the spring event. As announced earlier, the game received much-awaited features.
- Crossplay has been implemented, enabling players on both PC and console to participate in the same battle.
- The latter also received access to ranked team games.
- A "free for all" option has been added for quickmatches, allowing 8-player battles.
- The nomad mode has been enhanced. The developers added it to the game as a new game option, increasing the initial number of villagers on the map.
- A message has been added to the game informing about the conditions of victory.
- A new victory condition was established, the so-called dominion, which requires the player to keep his monarchs alive at all costs.
In addition to introducing the above updates and changes, the update fixes numerous bugs and adjusts certain aspects of the gameplay. If you want to learn more about them, you can read the official announcement.
It's worth adding that ranked competitions for season seven of Age of Empires 4 will start on May 20. A day later, players will be able to participate in new challenges, for which they will receive rewards. The list detailing seasonal tasks and bonuses for logging in can be found here.
Let us recall that in November of last year, Age of Empires 4 got the paid expansion The Sultans Ascend, which is the biggest DLC in the whole series. The update discussed in this news introduced many improvements related to this DLC.