Ad Infinitum is an Intriguing Psychological Horror Set in World War I
The Nacon Connect 2021 presentation featured the psychological horror game Ad Infinitum, focusing on the nightmarish experiences of a German soldier who survived the World War I.
Among the titles presented at Nacon Connect 2021 was the intriguing game Ad Infinitum, which is scheduled for release in 2023. Developed by the debuting German studio Hekate, the game is a psychological horror set in the realities of World War I and tells a compelling story of a family tragedy.
In the game, we'll play as a German soldier who, haunted by nightmares, will have to face dangerous and terrifying creatures. The developers promise a blood-curdling adventure focused on stealth. During the journey the player will solve various demanding puzzles using equipment known from World War I period. We will also get a dynamically changing world whose fate will depend on the hero's choices.
Ad Infinitum will be released on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.
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