Activision Forces Players to Download CoD: MW3 Without Purchase if They Want to Continue Playing MW2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has offended even fans uninterested in buying the game. All because of Activision's cursory decision aimed at MW2 players.
New Call of Duty probably will not go down in history as a good game, and not just for one reason. What's more, CoD: Modern Warfare 3irritated even the buyers of MW 2who did not purchase the new game.
Before the release, criticism of the new part of the series came down to the high price. The game costs as much as full-fledged CoD, and offers a campaign lasting just a few hours (that's not much even by the standards of the series), on top of which it's not particularly exciting. It's no surprise, then, that reviewers and players aren't enthusiastic about the game, focusing their anger primarily on this element.
However, the latest complaint has nothing to do with the game's content. Owners of last year's Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 2 have noticed that they have to download MW 3, followed by a major update, in order to continue playing. Some Internet users also report that after that, you can delete the downloaded files without any consequences (via Reddit), although we have no confirmation of this information.
This is all the more problematic because - as if in keeping with the tradition of the series in recent years - the game takes up 200 GB of disk space after the update. The day one patch files alone are more than 100 GB of data, but apparently the game requires that after downloading MW 3 re-download the files of the second installment. Even those with a fast connection were not thrilled when, after the automatic update, they realized that suddenly a lot of occupied space on their PC or console had arrived (via Reddit).
According to one player it is the result of deleting files related to menu buttons from MW 2 and moving them to the new game, making the latter now act as a platform to run both games (and Warzone 2.0).
A side effect of this (besides the need to download a huge amount of data) is the need to restart the game. First, we open MW 3, and after selecting MW 2 we are thrown to the desktop and only then will the latter item load. In other words, in order to play the older game we must first launch the newer one, even if we don't have it in our collection.
Such an absurd solution would be a nuisance in any game, let alone one whose files weigh literally hundreds of GB. It's hardly surprising, then, that for some fans, this was the straw the broke the camel's back and they eventually uninstalled Call of Duty. Some fans are even wondering (via Reddit), whether the theory of CoD deliberately increasing to such a size that players have no room for other games, is not close to the truth.
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