Update 1.2.1 Prepares AC: Valhalla for Wrath of the Druids DLC
Today, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla will receive update 1.2.1. The patch will introduce elements related to the upcoming Wrath of the Druids DLC and fix a number of bugs.

Ubisoft prepared a 1.2.1 update for Assassin's Creed: Valhalla to prepare the game for the Wrath of the Druids expansion, delayed to May 13. The patch will be available today and will require a download of approx: 14 GB (PC), 5-8 GB (PS4), 5.5 GB (PS5), 12 GB (XONE) or 16 GB (XSX|S) of data.
Among the novelties, 3 new skills are particularly noteworthy. Each of them will prevent enemy attacks from throwing our character off balance while performing melee attacks (Cool Rage), aiming with a bow (Eye of the North) or executing off-hand special attacks or parries (Intense Rage). Other abilities will also change - the Battlecry will now last longer, Fearless LEaper will make high jumps easier, and the chance of success for the Spinning-Death and Vordr Bite perks will be lower.
AC: Valhalla players will also be pleased to hear that the ability to turn the cinematic camera on and off while delivering a killing blow has been added, and that the game has begun restocking its waters with a variety of fish species (including small halibut, small sturgeon, large flatfish, and large mackerel). Fans of the Assassin's Creed series will have access to Bayek's outfit from Origins and Altair's from thefirst game.
The patch also fixed a number of smaller and larger bugs appearing in missions, raids (common and river), side activities and events in the game world. So there is a chance that if you had a problem with completing a task, it will be solved today The full list of changes can be found here.
Ubisoft also does not stop patching the technical layer of his game and improving its performance. Attentive players will notice small differences in the appearance of the interface, fewer flying objects or less frequent problems with character animations, textures, lighting and incorrect sound effects.
- Ubisoft - official website
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla Review - The Assassin We All Wanted
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla - game guide