A Little to the Left - Computer Level Solution (72)

In this guide you will learn how to complete the stage with the computer in A Little to the Left. This is level 72.

Adam Adamczyk

Source: A Little to the Left

A Little to the Left is a very pleasant puzzle game in which our task is to arrange objects. The title has quite a few interesting stages, and in this guide you will learn how to complete a level with the computer in A Little to the Left. This is level 72.

Level with the computer (72) in A Little to the Left

Level 72 causes a lot of difficulty for many players, but after a closer look at the elements on the screen, you will notice that it is not as difficult as it might seem. At the beginning you need to arrange the objects on the computer in such a way that they look like their representations on the screen.

  1. The clock needs to be set at 10:05.
  2. The apple must have a leaf on its left side.
  3. The hanger must have a gold key on the left and a silver key on the right.
  4. In the jar you need to arrange the brushes in the order: red, blue, brown.
  5. The globe must have the yellow side on the left and the green side on the right.
  6. Sticky notes must be arranged in order: yellow, red, green.

Setting up the icons

Once you have arranged the items, you need to rotate the hourglass. Then a cat will walk over the laptop, and messages will pop up on the screen. After removing them you will need to arrange the icons in an order that corresponds to the one around the computer.

  1. Top row: Keys, clock, sticky notes.
  2. Bottom row: Painting palette, globe, computer, hourglass, apple.

Once everything is arranged as it should be, all you have to do is turn the hourglass and the level will be complete.

More about A Little to the Left:

  1. A Little to the Left - Console Release (PS5, PS4 and Xbox)

A Little to the Left

November 8, 2022

PC PlayStation Xbox Mobile Nintendo
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Adam Adamczyk

Author: Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined GRYOnline.pl, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.

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