A Friend in Need Bug in New World Fix
There is a bug affecting the Friend in Need quest in New World that makes it impossible to complete. We’ve listed possible solutions to the problem.

New World is an open-world MMO that offers numerous side-quests, one of them being the Friend in Need. In this side story, you need to explore a certain cave. However, for many players, the quest does not progress after arriving at the location. We’ve gathered possible fixes to this bug.
A Friend in Need Bug in New World Fix
The cave involved in the Friend in Need mission is located in Elysian Wilds South West, in the Dance of the Fireflies. The issue that is frequently reported by players is that the story does not progress and the new task isn’t triggered even after finding this place. Below, we’ve listed solutions you can try if you’re affected by this problem:
- Kill 3 Angry Earth monsters in front of the cave. If the mobs are spawned but do not have markers, beat the enemies that are present and go to an unnamed (non-landmark) area to wait for them to respawn. Once they do, the Angry Eath should have proper indicators. Then, proceed as above.
- If there are no mobs outside of the cave, go to a location that is not a named landmark and wait, they should appear soon. Then, if they have quest markers, go on to defeat them.
- You can also try teleporting to the cave from a different place.
You may have to move a considerable distance away from the cave, as the areas marked by the quest are quite large. However, once you see Angry Earth monsters with quest indicators above them, you’re on the right track to competing A Friend in Need.
If you’re interested in New World, check out the following:
- New World Game Guide
- How to Unlock Wolf Mount in New World
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More:New World Guide