A Fallout 4 mod revamps the dialogue interface
Fallout 4 received a mod that alters dialogue interface to make conversations more clear. It causes the game to display actual dialogue lines, instead of paraphareses, as well as puts available options in a list.
It was not long until some Good Samaritan decided to revamp the dialogue system in Fallout 4 that many players complained about. An interesting mod was posted online (created by a Russian modder nicknamed shadwar and translated to English by Cirosan – kudos, gentlemen) offering a new, clear dialogue interface. With this one installed, during conversations the game displayes full lines that your character is actually going to say, instead of confusing paraphrases. Besides, all dialogue options are now sorted in a list, and can be selected using number keys. Alternatively, there is a lite version for gamepad users that limits changes to displaying full dialogue lines, without altering the interface itself.

As noted in the related Reddit thread, there are plans to port the modification to all languages Fallout 4 was translated to. According to the mod’s author the system is pretty easy to convert and it should not take long for other language versions to follow. If you are not playing Fallout 4 in English or Russian and want to switch to this new dialogue system, keep your eye on the updates on NexusMods website.