Yu-Gi-Oh! Online is an online version of the popular card game based on anime series produced by Konami. Just like in the non-computer prototype, players have special card decks with which they fight battles with enemies. The creators have implemented a number of social functions, allowing, among other things, to choose a rival or exchange cards.
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Description
One of the world's most famous trading card games is now online! Join duelists from all across the country and around the world with this accurate recreation of the Yu-Gi-Oh!™ Trading Card Game on your PC and experience the power and magic of Yu-Gi-Oh!™ like never before!
- Duel against opponents from all over the world online!
- Trade cards online with other duelists
- Chat with duelists world wide with the built-in auto-translate feature!
- New cards become available via game updates
Last updated on August 14, 2015