Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition
Release Date: March 20, 2025
RPG, TPP, science fiction, sandbox, mechs, remaster/remake, co-op, jRPG, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet
A remastered version of the popular 2015 jRPG from Wii U. Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition offers refreshed graphics and an additional story plot. We explore the planet Mira - travelling on foot or controlling a mech. We finish quests and fight various enemies.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition is a remastered version of the 2015 action jRPG. It is also a spin-off of the popular Xenoblade Chronicles series. The authors behind the development of this remaster are the same ones who released the original on Nintendo Wii U. It is the Monolith Soft studio, responsible for the development of the entire series.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition takes us to the future - we end up in the year 2054. In the wake of a war on a cosmic scale, humanity is forced to flee the devastated Earth and find a new home. One of the colonization ships - White Whale - crashes on the surface of the planet Mira. Those who managed to survive the disaster established the city of New Los Angeles there, entrusting the mission of thoroughly investigating this globe to the BLADE organization.
During the game we take on the role of a castaway. Our goal is to closely explore the five continents of Mira and the creatures inhabiting them, face numerous opponents, and also search for rescue capsules with other survivors. By fulfilling our duties, over time we advance in the BLADE hierarchy, which directly translates into gameplay. The game's story has been enriched with a plot related to a mysterious hooded figure, which was not present in the original.
In Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition we view the action from a third person perspective (TPP). We start the game by creating a character - we can decide on their gender, appearance and class. We have nothing left to do but to plunge into the whirl of futuristic adventures.
The game features a vast world with an open structure. Initially, we explore it exclusively on foot, but in the second half of the game (or more precisely – after proving our worth to the BLADE organization) we gain access to one of the so-called Skells - powerful mechs capable of transforming into vehicles. Behind their controls, we can not only move faster around the map, but also fight enemies. We are not limited to just one copy and the mechs we own are stored in a special hangar. It is worth remembering that each Skell requires special insurance and regular refueling.
The driving force of the game are the quests we perform while exploring the planet Mira. Apart from missions pushing the plot forward, there are tasks related to our companions waiting to be completed, as well as minor side quests. As we progress, other adventurers join us, allowing us to lead a team of up to four people in total.
The presence of friends is indispensable, especially on the battlefield. Among the enemies that stand in our way, the hostile fauna of Mira takes the lead. During real-time battles, we must not only make use of equipment (melee and ranged weapons) and the abilities of individual characters, but also pay attention to health and morale indicators. The latter determines the effectiveness of individual characters in combat. As we progress, we gather better equipment and develop our heroes, unlocking new skills and improving already learned abilities.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition offers an online multiplayer mode in which we join teams and complete special quests, as well as face powerful bosses – the so-called Global Nemeses. In addition, the game allows us to rent avatars to other players. We can also add their characters to our team.
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Videos and Screens
[3:42] Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition - Quick Start Guide Overview Trailer
[2:35] Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition - Launch Trailer
CGMagazine: 9 / 10 by Zubi Khan
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition has landed on the Nintendo Switch, bringing with it one of the best Wii U exclusives to a modern platform.
Shacknews: 9 / 10 by TJ Denzer
If you can get past its tedious organization and swaths of overleveled monsters in your way, Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition is incredible.
IGN: 9 / 10 by George Yang
Xenoblade Chronicles X was already one of the Wii U’s best games, and this Definitive Edition does more than enough to justify another trip to planet Mira.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Summary
Game Series: Xenoblade Chronicles
Developer: Monolith Soft
Publisher: Nintendo
Age restrictions: 12+