WWE Raw 2

WWE Raw 2


Release Date: September 15, 2003

Sports, wrestling, splitscreen, Xbox exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer

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Another sport game devoted to wrestlers' struggles within the popular World Wrestling Entertainment organization. Choose one of the licensed players or create your own using the extensive character editor functions and chase fame and money. Compared to the previous part, the list of available modes has been extended, control has been modified and rivals' artificial intelligence has been improved.

WWE Raw 2 is another of the numerous productions dedicated to the struggle of wrestlers, not without reason called modern gladiators. For lovers of this sport a number of attractions have been prepared, significantly expanding the first part published eighteen months earlier. Among the novelties there were also additional modes of fun and changes in the previous ones. The creators also decided to focus on eliminating the problems reported by players in the form of, among others, weak artificial intelligence of virtual players.

There is a large pool of licensed wrestlers, including The Rock and Ray Misterio. With the addition of an extensive character editor nothing stands in the way of creating your own player deciding not only on his appearance and outfit, but also on the available blows, character features and the way of entering the ring.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015



in WWE Game Series

Game Series

WWE Series

A series of sports brawlers licensed by the well-known American wrestling promotion company WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). It was created by Yuke's studio thanks to the support of the THQ publishing concern. Currently, the rights to the brand are held by Take-Two Interactive, and its development is taken care of by developers from Visual Concepts.

33 video games

WWE Game Series