WWE Crush Hour

WWE Crush Hour


Release Date: March 17, 2003

Arcade, cars, splitscreen, multiplayer, singleplayer

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Spin-off series of games licensed by the World Wrestling Entertainment federation. We replace the ring with a huge arena and sit behind the wheel of abstract vehicles armed with rocket launchers, rifles, flame throwers and other deadly equipment. As WWE celebrities like The Rock and Jeff Hardy, we try to crush our rivals' cars and get out of the competition.



in WWE Game Series

Game Series

WWE Series

A series of sports brawlers licensed by the well-known American wrestling promotion company WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). It was created by Yuke's studio thanks to the support of the THQ publishing concern. Currently, the rights to the brand are held by Take-Two Interactive, and its development is taken care of by developers from Visual Concepts.

32 video games

WWE Game Series

WWE Crush Hour Summary


PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2



Age restrictions: none