World of Warriors

World of Warriors


Release Date: November 6, 2014

Action, fantasy, free-to-play, RPG elements, elements of strategy, co-op, splitscreen, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet



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Original production of Moshi Monsters series, combining elements of action games and RPG. We collect unique warriors, representing different cultures and historical epochs. The aim of the subsequent skirmishes, fought in small arenas, is to defeat the ominous King Boneshaker and his minions, who threaten the Wild Land. The game can be played in cooperation and against other players.

World of Warriors, released on AND, iOS and PS4, is an original combination of dynamic action game and RPG with a little bit of strategy. The game is about creating your own army of legendary warriors, drawn from different cultures and famous historical events. Mind Candy studio is responsible for creating the game, so far known mainly due to the Moshi Monsters series addressed to the youngest gamers.


The plot of World of Warriors takes us to a land called the Wildlands, which suffers under the rule of the evil king Boneshaker and his army of skeletons. The only chance to liberate the land is to join forces of the most famous heroes in history, who, representing different cultures, mentality, and fighting styles, will create a unique army capable of facing the cruel villain.

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Last updated on August 23, 2019

Videos and Screens

[0:56] World of Warriors trailer

World of Warriors Summary


PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 March 21, 2018

Android OS

Android OS December 16, 2014

Apple iOS

Apple iOS November 6, 2014

Developer: Mind Candy

Publisher: Mind Candy