World of Football

World of Football


Release Date: cancelled

Sports, football, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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A football game modelled on the famous classic from the past called Kick Off. The whole project is the responsibility of Kimer's little-known programming studio, which previously "became famous" in the industry for a few small, ultimately unfinished projects.

World of Football is an original football game modelled on the famous classic from years ago called Kick Off. The whole project is the responsibility of Kimer's little-known programming studio, which previously "became famous" in the industry for a few small, ultimately unfinished projects.

At first glance, the program seems to be an uncomplicated arcade game, but, as the authors claim, these are only appearances. In fact, World of Football has a number of powerful tactical capabilities that will surely be appreciated by more advanced players. This title is supposed to give users a lot of fun from the game, but it can not be called a realistic football simulation to match the latest installments of the Pro Evolution Soccer series. In order to achieve this goal, manufacturers allow football matches to be played in several game modes, such as "League" or "Cup". (possibility of creating your own games and defining rules). Of course, during the season the player can make appropriate adjustments in the tactical formation of the team, as well as change the composition of their team, etc. The player can also make appropriate adjustments in the tactical formation of the team.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

World of Football Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: Kimera Studios

Age restrictions: none