Włatcy Móch Video Game Series

Włatcy Móch Series Evolution


Wlatcy Moch: Battle Arena


Wlatcy Moch: Magiczni Wojownicy II – Powrot Pan Czan Dragona


Wlatcy Moch: Olimpiada Podworkowa


Wlatcy Moch: Wrzod na dopie

Wlatcy Moch: Sniezna Rozwalka

Wlatcy Moch: Sniezna Rozwalka



February 1, 2010

Wlatcy Moch: Snowfighting is an arcade shooter with elements of a 2D platformer, loosely referring to the plot of the cult animated series. Players direct the actions of Konieczko, Maslany, Anusiak or Czesio and fight for the title of the "Snow Shovel of Rozwalka". The title was produced by Red Dot Games studio in Rzeszow.

Wlatcy Moch: Sniezna Rozwalka
Wlatcy Moch: Battle Arena

Wlatcy Moch: Battle Arena



November 17, 2009

Wlatcy Moch: Battle Arena is a turn-based strategy based on the themes of a controversial animated series, produced and released by Nicolas Games. The main characters, i.e. Czesio and the company, take part in, among other things, bouncing the town from the hands of the Nazis, clashes with terrorists in the Middle East and samurai battles in feudal Japan. The game is characterized by simple gameplay rules and modest visual setting, inspired by cartoon.

Wlatcy Moch: Battle Arena
Wlatcy Moch: Magiczni Wojownicy II – Powrot Pan Czan Dragona

Wlatcy Moch: Magiczni Wojownicy II – Powrot Pan Czan Dragona



July 31, 2009

Wlatcy Moch: Magic Warriors II - The Return of Pan Czan Dragon is a 2D platformer based on the motifs of the popular animated series, created by the Red Dot Games development studio in Rzeszow. Guided by the plowing of Anusiak, the Butterfly, Czesio the vampire or Konieczko the dwarf, the player has to face the title dragon and his army.

Wlatcy Moch: Magiczni Wojownicy II – Powrot Pan Czan Dragona
Wlatcy Moch: Olimpiada Podworkowa

Wlatcy Moch: Olimpiada Podworkowa



May 15, 2009

Wlatcy Móch: The Backyard Olympics is a collection of arcade mini-games with the participation of characters known from the popular animated series. Czesio, Maslana, Konieczko and Anusiak take part in the struggle for the title of the best sportsman of their school. Players can test their skills in verbal fencing, shoe throwing, shooting at second-classics and knocking down windows.

Wlatcy Moch: Olimpiada Podworkowa
Wlatcy Moch: Wrzod na dopie

Wlatcy Moch: Wrzod na dopie



February 13, 2009

An adventure game modelled on the very popular series. Headed by the Czech Republic and other guys, the player has to face the danger from space and the spreading regime.

Wlatcy Moch: Wrzod na dopie
Wlatcy Moch: Magiczni Wojownicy

Wlatcy Moch: Magiczni Wojownicy



November 14, 2006

Wlatcy Moch: Magic Warriors is a cRPG game based on the motifs of a popular cartoon. Players have the opportunity to take on the role of Maslana elf, Konieczko dwarf, Anusiak the orc and other characters from the series and set off to fight the forces of evil threatening the magical land. Bartosz Kedzierski, the creator of Wlatcy Moch, took part in the work on the title.

Wlatcy Moch: Magiczni Wojownicy