Witch's Wish is an adventure game produced by the Japanese studio Natsume, whose main character is Vicky, a student of the school of magic. Players must help the young witch combine school duties with a mission to save a world threatened by the forces of darkness. The game abounds in dialogues with independent characters, as well as logical puzzles and skill skirmishes with spells.
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Witch's Wish Description
A Spellbinding Adventure!
Vicky wants more than anything to be a witch, but in her town, only rich girls can go to witch school. Her dream seems hopeless until she meets a mysterious girl who shows her how to unlock her remarkable magical powers. She has to learn fast, as a dark force threatens to tear her town apart. Can her magic unite the town and save the day?
Use the Touch Screen to cast spells! Help your friends, solve puzzles, and uncover secrets!
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Witch's Wish Summary
Nintendo DS
Developer: Natsume Inc.
Publisher: Natsume Inc.
Age restrictions: none