Wing Commander II: Special Operations 2
Wing Commander II: Vengeance of Kilrathi Expansion Pack
Release Date: November 30, 1991
At last we manage to expose a traitor working for Kilrathi. We will chase him to the final, where he will be eventually eliminated from the game.
The second addition to the Wing Commander II space simulator is a direct continuation of our activities for the Confederations Counter Intelligence, which we performed in Special Operations 1. Here we finally manage to expose the traitor, who turns out to be Madarin, who sympathizes with Kilrathi. We will chase him to the final, where he will be eliminated from the game. During twenty risky missions we will also meet old friends, Jazz Colson and narrator Maniac, currently serving in the elite Wild Eagle Squadron unit, flying prototype ships. From this team we will get to know completely new faces, such as Crossbones, Minx or Talon. It will also have something to fly with, as we will get a new construction of the Confederacy called Morningstar, armed with tactical nuclear missiles called Mace, capable of destroying the entire squadron of Kilrathi. Mission Selector allows you to play any mission from the basic game version and the first extension. The game allows you to import your pilot characters from Wing Commander II or Special Operations 1.
.Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Wing Commander II: Special Operations 2 Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Origin Systems
Publisher: Origin Systems
Age restrictions: none
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Wing Commander II: Special Operations 2 System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: IBM PC AT 386, 1 MB RAM, sound card + wykorzystuje joystick

Base Gamefor Wing Commander II: Special Operations 2