hack'and'slash Nintendo Wii Games
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April 15, 2008
Okami is a production from Clover Studios, the developers responsible for both parts of the well received by Viewtiful Joe series players. The main assumption of the game is to base its visual and climatic style on the old Japanese art of sumi-e painting, characterized by a specific line and color palette.

Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire
September 25, 2007
Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire is a fantasy action game created exclusively for Nintendo Wii. It was developed by the Land Ho! development studio, supported by Richard A. Knaak, an American writer well known to fans of fantasy novels. Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire is an action slasher game. We observe the character from the perspective of a third person, and our task is to fight with large groups of opponents. We use a sword for this purpose, making many blows and combining them into combo.