Wii Fit U is the third installment of the popular series created by Nintendo, which thanks to a set of mini games allows you to improve your fitness and exercise using the Wii Balance Board device.
Videos and Screens
[1:43] Wii Fit U E3 2012
Wii Fit U Description
Get active—and stay active—with fitness that’s fun. The new Wii Fit U software takes favorite activities from the Wii Fit series and adds all-new elements, including Dance workouts and 19 brand-new activities. Plus, you’ll be able to track your everyday activity with the new Fit Meter accessory. Wear it on-the-go and sync your data to see how much progress you’ve made.
- New Fit Meter lets you track your daily activity and sync with Wii Fit U.
- New Gym Communities let you share goals with others to stay motivated.
- Favorites from Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus return.
- Stay active with 77 different activities, including 19 that are all-new, many using the Wii U GamePad controller.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Wii Fit U Summary
Nintendo Wii U