Representative of the FPS genre, focused on multiplayer gameplay, created by Korean development studio Dream Execution. It is a kind of alternative for fans of this type of games, who do not have powerful computers capable of "carrying" the latest productions (a sensible compromise between visual appearance and hardware requirements).
War Rock is a representative of the FPS genre, focused on multiplayer gameplay, created by Korean development studio Dream Execution. It is a kind of alternative for fans of this type of games, who do not have powerful computers capable of "carrying" the latest productions (a sensible compromise between visual appearance and hardware requirements).
After the end of the Cold War era, the weapon suppliers who smuggled it began to record huge losses. In order to create new markets for their goods, they themselves began to provoke armed conflicts in various parts of the globe. In the meantime, the world was faced with an oil crisis - it was then that everyone's eyes turned to Derbaran, a country that controlled the huge deposits of this raw material. Unfortunately, it soon turned out that Derbaran became the centre of the war on oil control, which then translated into world control.
Players can play as soldiers from one of the two sides of the conflict - NIU (new imperialistic union), which intends to create a perfect world, obviously under its rule, and Derbaranian, defending their country against the invaders' attempts. There are five character classes to choose from - Military Engineer, Medic, Scout, Combatant and Heavy Weapons unit, each of which is characterized by a different type of weapon used and unique abilities. The arsenal of available means of extermination may not knock you on your knees, but it still looks quite impressive - from an ordinary pistol, through a K2, M5 or sniper rifle, to anti-tank mines and grenades. It is also worth mentioning that to move and exterminate enemies, we can use various types of vehicles, such as a truck, motorcycle and even a tank.
Players can choose from three sets of maps proposed by the creators. Depending on their size, which is the key of division, depends on which mode of the virtual skirmish we will take part in. On the smallest ones, we participate in the popular deathmatch game or perform simple missions, such as putting a bomb in a place marked on the board. Larger maps are already large-scale clashes with the use of individual vehicles, where our task is primarily to efficiently take over flags in enemy bases. The Battle Group's huge zones provide access to all types of military vehicles, which play an essential role in the battle.
This experience is reflected in the rank system. The player starts his adventure with War Rock at the second class level to advance to the rank of general. Overcoming the next rungs, we unlock new equipment of our soldier, possible to buy in the armoury for virtual money gained.
The program can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website and played completely free of charge. However, for extended aspects of the game, such as: halving the increase in experience, additional gadgets and other useful items, or opening all maps and modes for the user of the account; fees are charged.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Videos and Screens
[1:01] War Rock intro movie
[1:17] War Rock E3 2006
War Rock Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Dream Execution
Publisher: K2Network
Age restrictions: 12+