Vigilante 8: Arcade

Vigilante 8: Arcade


Release Date: November 5, 2008

Action, splitscreen, Xbox exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet

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A remake of a popular action game based on the Twisted Metal series. We take part in clashes with various vehicles, trying to get rid of other participants of the game.

V8: Arcade is a brand new re-imagining of the original themes and gameplay, engineered from the ground up for today’s hardware by the original founders of Luxoflux and V8 developers. Could things get any better?Absolutely, because quite soon, the magic of V8 car-combat will be available to millions of Xbox Live Arcade users via digital download, presented in cutting edge audio-visual splendor, and… at quite an affordable price, too!

In addition to local split-screen mode, multiple players will be able take their car-crushing skills online, competing and/or teaming up with other V8 players the world over!

Players will rediscover the joys of weapon-based off-road car mayhem by savoring the following features, currently being cooked up at the ‘labs’:

Five newly designed, highly interactive arenas, using Bezier patch technology for maximum surface smoothness!

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Videos and Screens

[1:06] Vigilante 8: Arcade #2

[0:57] Vigilante 8: Arcade teaser

Vigilante 8: Arcade Summary


Xbox 360

Xbox 360

Developer: Isopod Labs

Publisher: Activision Blizzard

Vigilante 8: Arcade System Requirements

Microsoft Xbox 360

Xbox 360

Supports: Xbox Live