Space simulator. We change the orbits of planets, create black holes, lead to collisions between galaxies and observe how decisions affect the entire Universe.
Universe Sandbox is a game that allows you to observe various processes occuring in outer space. Thanks to the accurate representation of forces of gravity, as well as positions and parameters of individual celestial bodies, you can trigger large-scale developments that will decide the fate of the universe with just a few clicks. The gameplay does not establish any specific objectives; everything depends on the user's creativity.
The production offers over 70 various simulation scenarios. It also includes over 70 star systems, 70 galaxies and 1000 stars nearest to the Sun, and countless smaller objects. You can compare the size of biggest known stars, observe how colliding moons create new planets, watch the reconstructions of various space probe missions or witness the collision of Milky Way with the Andromeda galaxy. During the simulation, the user can speed up or slow down the passage of time, manipulate the magnitude of gravity, modify the mass of celestial bodies, and even add completely new space objects.
The developers have prepared several example events, but Universe Sandbox offers also an editor that allows you to create your own original scenarios. Thanks to this feature, the production can be a very useful tool for persons interested in astrophysics as a hobby or even working professionally in the field.
The visuals of Universe Sandbox match the high level of realism of this production. Depending on your needs, you may employ additional visual filters. For example: when observing some of the events, changing the color palette to depict the movement speed or the temperature of objects can be very useful. You may also freely manipulate the camera angle and zoom levels. The production does not include any kind of soundtrack or background music. Instead, it exposes the user to the distinctive silence of the void.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
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Average score from 185 votes.
Universe Sandbox Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Giant Army
Publisher: Giant Army
Age restrictions: none
Universe Sandbox System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium 4 1.5 GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card 32 MB, 250 MB HDD, Windows XP SP3/Vista/7