Your Comics: Tom & Jerry is an educational game produced by Emme, aimed at the youngest. Players have the opportunity to arrange a picture story with their favourite characters. The creators took care of a rich gallery of illustrations, from which you can create your own comic book and the option to print it on your home printer.
Twoje Komiksy: Tom & Jerry Description
Your Comics is great fun for every child. The program gives you the opportunity to create your own picture story about the most famous cat and mouse in the world. The adventures of Tom & Jerry will surely make everyone laugh with tears. In the series also appeared: Garfield, Lucky Luke, Smurfs and Popeye.
You can choose one of your favourite cartoon characters and arrange a picture story with him. There are ready-made images with many characters from fairy tales and comics. After creating a color story, we can print it in the form of a comic book with the help of a printer. The game offers great fun for the whole family.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015