Twisted Metal (1995)

Twisted Metal (1995)


Release Date: February 23, 2011

Action, cars, PSOne Classics, splitscreen, PlayStation exclusive, PS Plus Premium, multiplayer, singleplayer

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A digital re-edition of the classic action game from PlayStation, which initiated the so-called "vehicular combat" genre. In the game we compete in the title tournament Twisted Metal, competing to the death and life behind the wheel of 12 different vehicles, equipped with various weapons.

Originally released on the PlayStation in 1995, the game is only available in digital form as part of PSOne Classics.

Twisted Metal is a brutal racing game for PSP, PS3 and PSV platforms, considered one of the precursors of the so-called "vehicular combat" genre. The game was developed by SingleTrac, founded by former employees of Evans & Sutherland, dealing with professional computer graphics.


The titular Twisted Metal is the name of a tournament organized by a mysterious individual known as Calypso. Every year, he sends invitations to the most recognized drivers of the world, offering to take part in the brutal competition between armed cars. The biggest prize is an audience with Calypso himself, during which he can fulfill one wish of the winner. What is important, the winner can wish for anything - not only money or power but regarding every aspect of life.

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Last updated on November 6, 2019

Twisted Metal (1995) Summary

Game Series: Twisted Metal


PlayStation 5

PlayStation 5 July 18, 2023

PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 July 18, 2023

PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Vita August 29, 2012

PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3 February 23, 2011

PlayStation Portable

PlayStation Portable February 23, 2011

Age restrictions: 12+

Twisted Metal (1995) System Requirements

Sony PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3

Supports: PlayStation Network

PlayStation Portable

PlayStation Portable

Supports: PlayStation Network

PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Vita

Supports: PlayStation Network