Touch My Katamari

Touch My Katamari


Release Date: February 21, 2012

Arcade, PlayStation exclusive, singleplayer

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Once again, we move to the crazy reality of the Damascus Catamari and we have the opportunity to direct a ball to which everything that passes through it sticks. The game version of PlayStation Vita offers new ways to interact with the game world.

The latest installment in the Katamari series, Touch My Katamari, is the debut of the franchise on PlayStation®Vita. The King of All Cosmos has a whole new bunch of weird and wonderful missions in store as you once again step into the shoes of his son, the prince. Use the PlayStation®Vita touch screen controls to roll your Katamari ball around the environments and gather up every possible object to make it grow. The King will send you to the four corners of the earth to complete your oddball missions and restore his very particular kind of Katamari order to the universe.


Innovative Gameplay – Roll the Katamari in any direction using the multi-touch screen of the PS®Vita, while for the first time ever the console’s rear touch pad lets you stretch or squeeze the Katamari to gather more objects at once or fit through a narrow space.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Videos and Screens

[0:49] Touch My Katamari Launch Trailer

Touch My Katamari Summary


PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Vita

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